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LPOS Tapbox Machine

Eliminate F&B shopping queues at music festivals to increase revenue

Product Design / User Research / Kiosk


Djakarta Warehouse Project

The festival originated from a nightclub event in 2008 called Blowfish Warehouse Project at Jakarta's renowned nightclub Blowfish. Featuring 3 areas within the club's vicinity, the festival's first edition boasted more than 5.000 audiences and the last DWP in 2017 reached 75.000 audiences 

What is the problem?

Yes from time to time, we have already solved the problem about the queue in F&B Area by using a POS system that connected to our audience wristband. but unfortunately, that flow does not solve the problem about the experience of F&B transactions at the Music Festival handled by LOKET.

it's just moving the problem to another place because there's a long queue in a Top-up booth. it's a big problem that we face from DWP last year. we found that all the audience really hates to do transactions in DWP Area because they don't want to wait in a long queue. here's some fact that we found from doing a survey and interview with our Operation Departement who in charge of the top-up booth and the users.


How you do an F&B and Merchandise Transactions in Festival and concert that handled by Loket?


Interview Top-Up Experience


Users hate waiting too long at the top-up booth

Some of the users I interviewed really hated the top-up booth queue. the queue already made them tired when they saw the queue from a distance. according to some of them, it is better to shop outside the event area than to have to wait in a long queue.


User does not mind if asked to make a top-up transaction before coming to the event area


More manpower doesn't help

the addition of booths and also the manpower who help the user to do top-ups did not help to eliminate the queue. the number of mistakes made by the manpower sometimes actually prolongs the top-up process for users

from the results of interviews and analysis of habits from gotix, users have no problem when asked to make transactions before entering the event area. and also festival events usually run 3 days so we still have time to let users know how many tokens they need in the festival

User Insight from Interview

Behaviour: Top-up Token at event

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User persona

Concert & Festival Audience


Ideations: Creating an MVP

After Doing Research and finding the problem. we do some brainstorming sessions in the Emerging Product Division. and we start to think what if we made the audience or the users do pay the token from the way they go to the festival and redeem their token on the machine which we're agree to develop Self Service Technology at Loket POS

Why Tap Machine?

Before I start to design, I try to understand more deeply what is Self Service Technology and what is the purpose of the technology itself. it really helps me to communicate or present the design with the stakeholders or product manager. in order to understand the context of the innovation itself, it increases the sense of design especially when you designing an MVP.

Contextual Inquiry SST (Self Service Technology) : 

SST as “technological interfaces that enable customers to produce a service independent of direct service employee involvement.”

As a result, the customer is assigned the role of value creator by conducting most of the service himself

A.T. Hsieh, C.H. Yen, K.C. Chin

Participative customers as partial employees and service provider workload

Internal Journal of Service Industry Management, 15 (2) (2004), pp. 187-199

Loket Kiosk Product Report Roadmap:

-LOKET Ticket Kiosk (Self-ticketing Machine), results in 70% ease to use, 85% effective level for users, and ~4K tickets sold at one event, also, integrated SPOTS EDC machine and GOPAY payment acceptance via API.

-LPOS (Point of Sale with RFID Technology) including its 3+ sub-product and 10+ features, result to 780% YoY growth in transaction value in 2018.

Carolus Andro - Product Manager LPOS 

by finding literatures and Report

we found the 3 points of solutions and the purpose of ideation

How might we can make the user do top up by themself

How might we make the users do the Top Up at the venue without internet connections

How might we make the user can easily control their Token Balance

we know the biggest aspect of the queue is a human bottleneck. so we change the flow, people can do the transactions with the machine and human resources can focus on treating and educating the audience so they can do self top-up.

another aspect of the queue on the Token booth is internet connections. sometimes one or three audiences from the queue have trouble with internet connections so they need more time to finish their transactions. but with this solution, you can do it without internet connections cause the barcode or manual code is already downloaded at your Gotix Account

Some of our audience told us that they go to the Token booth cause it's the only way to check their balance on their wristband. the problem is the process when the audience estimated their token and how much the token that they want to buy makes the process transactions not effective. so with this MVP, we eliminate that process and make it faster


We start our ideation by creating 2 flows, 1 is the flow when the users want to buy and redeem the token. and 2 is when the user only want to check their balance



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Buy Token via Gotix

According to the problem we encountered, we worked around this by providing token purchases via gotix apps. With this, the user can prepare to buy tokens before entering the event area

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Redeem Token

we provide a top-up process that makes it very easy for users with simple steps. and can be done offline or without an internet connection. because when a user has purchased a token on gotix, the barcode and manual code are automatically downloaded to their account

Manual Input Code

Recover from error feature

We also provide options for things that are not desired, such as if the hardware barcode scanner error, the user can enter the manual code manually on the screen and directly connect to the token they have purchased

Check Available Token

User Control and Freedom feature

In our research interview with concertgoers, we also found the desire of users to be able to easily check their available tokens. We also provide a feature where the audience can easily see their currently available tokens quickly. The estimated time we estimate when testing is about 5 minutes

Usability Testing

we do usability testing with our potential users, field team and stakeholders to see the success rate of the kiosk counter machine itself

Task 01:

Buy Token at Gotix Apps

Task 02:

Exchange the Token from apps to your wristband

Task 03:

Exchange with Manual Input

Task 04:

Check Balance

Completion rate











LPOS TAPBOX has helped 30% of total top ups in DWPX with a larger number of transactions compared to the previous year.

The audience was also happy and also interested in the new innovations presented. based on surveys conducted in the field they only need 10 minutes to complete the top up

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